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How to Set Up Priority Sorting of Locations

Enhance your locator widget using priority sorting. Highlight specific locations and make them stand out in your locator widget or online directory with ease.

In this tutorial, you'll learn to set up Priority Sorting in Storepoint. This feature enables you to highlight key store locations on your website's locator widget. We'll cover everything from adding tags to locations to customizing their visibility.

1. Accessing Priority Sorting:

2. Tagging Locations for Prioritization:

Begin by tagging locations with the tag or tags that help you categorize or prioritize them. For example:

  • Use a general label like "Featured"
  • Or, be specific, like "Certified Dealer" depending on your use case.

Remember, tags do more than just sorting; they also create filters in the locator widget by default. This can be beneficial if, for instance, you wish visitors to filter locations by "Certified Dealer". If not, we'll guide you on managing its visibility later (Step 4)

3. Setting Up Priority Sorting:

Now that you have your tag(s) set up, on the Priority Sorting page:

  1. Click "add a tag priority sorting rule" to begin defining your priority.
  2. Select a tag that you wish to prioritize. Locations with this tag will be influenced by the rule you set up.
  3. Define a distance rule if needed. For instance, you might want to only prioritize locations labeled "Certified Dealer" if they're within a set distance from the searcher.
  4. Want multiple priority levels? Add more rules using "Add A Tag Priority Sorting Rule". The order of rules matters. You can rearrange them by dragging and dropping to determine which tagged locations appear first, second, and so on.
  5. Hit "Save Changes" to lock in your settings.
  6. Remember, locations not guided by the priority rules will show up in their default order, which is typically based on proximity.

4. Manage Tag and Filter Appearance:

When you add tags, they don't just help in sorting; they also show up as filters on your locator widget. Here's how you can control this:

  1. Visit the Tags/Filters page to manage the visibility and appearance of your tags and filters.
  2. By default, your tags will create a filter. If you prefer to hide a tag from appearing as a filter, place it in its unique group and choose to hide it. This ensures the tag still helps in sorting, but isn't seen by visitors.
  3. If you want to highlight certain locations visually, you can assign a unique color or icon to your tag. This can help highlight the tag and make the location more noticeable in the locator results. You can alternatively choose to hide the tags from the locations they've been added to.

With Priority Sorting in Storepoint, you can now ensure that important locations on your website stand out to visitors. If you have any further questions or need assistance, we're always here to help!