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How to Add Custom Fields, More Info, and Additional Buttons to Your Locator Widget

This guide walks you through adding custom fields to your location listings, integrating extra details, and creating multiple linkable buttons.

Storepoint's custom fields feature enhances the user experience of your website's locator widget. With custom fields, you can easily integrate additional details or create actionable/linkable buttons for each location listing

Note: If you'd like to add filterable attributes such as products, location types, or services on the locator widget, our tags/filters feature is the ideal solution. Learn more in our guide on adding filtering to your website's locator widget for step-by-step instructions.

Setting Up Custom Fields

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page.

  2. Choose the Field Type you wish to add:

    • Text/Additional Info: For supplemental information.
    • Button: Add clickable buttons to link to any webpage or even to set up a custom JavaScript action (advanced). You can also customize each button's label and color.
    • Phone: For adding extra contact numbers.
  3. Depending on your selection:

    • For Text/Phone fields, assign a Field Label to describe the content.
    • For Button fields, set a Button Label and choose a Button Color.

Tip: While the Button field lets you link to external pages, the Text field is great for adding static extra content about the location, and the Phone field can be used for additional contact numbers.

Adding Values to Custom Fields for Locations

Using Custom Fields in the Dashboard

Once you've set up your desired custom fields, they become available anytime you Add or Edit a location within the dashboard.

  • For each location, navigate to the custom field and fill out or update the information as necessary.

Integrating Custom Fields with Google Sheets Sync or CSV Bulk Imports

If you manage your locations using Google Sheets Sync or CSV Bulk Imports:

  1. Update your sheet or CSV by adding columns corresponding to the custom field names you've set up.

  2. Typically, the column name in your sheet or CSV should match the custom field name you've created. For exact naming, consider re-downloading a fresh template from your account. This will provide an updated version, including any new custom fields you've added.

Access Updated Templates: Grab a fresh template with the updated fields from the bulk import tool or in the Google Sheets configuration area (click "show setup instructions" if it's already set up).

By introducing custom fields, you can present richer and more comprehensive location listings to your visitors.