Help Center > Search & Filter Features

How to add category or product filters to your store locator

Learn how to set up a store locator with filters and filtering options.

1. Tag locations when adding or uploading

When uploading or adding locations, simply make sure to fill the "tags" column with the tag or comma separated tags for each location. This can be the location type if you wish to have a filter setup on type, products for a filter on products, etc...

  • Note: If using our dashboard location management editor rather than CSV bulk upload or google sheets sync, make sure to press "enter" on your keyboard after typing in each tag in the categories/tags field.

2. Filtering works right away

Once you have locations uploaded/added with tags, you will automatically see a categories filter show up on the store locator. You may need to clear browser cache to see the update instantly.


Do you want your store locator to have multiple dropdown filters?

Follow this tutorial for how to set up a store locator with multiple filters.

3. Customize the filter and filtering logic

In Map Customization settings, you can edit the name and appearance of this filter (title, display inline, display as dropdown, etc..). For example, you can change the title of the dropdown from "Categories" to "Filter by product" if you have tagged the locations with products.


You can also setup custom icons for different tags/types of locations. Learn more about setting up custom icons for each tag here:

If you'd like to have multiple filter types or multiple dropdowns, please take a look at our tutorial for creating multiple filters for your store locator.