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How to Remove Tags / Categories from Your Locator

Learn how to efficiently remove tags / categories from your locator.

Your tags / categories are pulled from the locations they've been added to. To fully delete a tag or category, it needs to be removed from the locations it's linked to, specifically from the tags field or column. You can manage these tags through various methods, both directly in the dashboard and by editing your data source.

Directly from the Dashboard

Remove a tag from all locations with a single click:

  1. Navigate to Manage Locations -> Tags & Filters.
  2. Hover or click on the "..." located at the top-right of the tag you wish to delete.
  3. Select "Delete Tag."
  4. Confirm the deletion by retyping the tag name.

Note: If you use Google Sheets Sync or CSV bulk imports, remember to update the tags column in your original data source as well. You can follow the provided steps below, or replace your current Google Sheet or CSV with a fresh export from Storepoint and proceed from there.

If You Use Google Sheets Sync

Updating Your Sheet:

  1. Go to your Google Sheet.
  2. Focus on the "tags" column.
  3. Delete the tags from the locations.

Quick Tip: For a faster way to remove all instances of a tag in the column, highlight the "tags" column in Google Sheets, then use "Find and replace" under the "Edit" menu. Enter the tag to remove in "Find" and keep "Replace with" empty.

If You Use Spreadsheet Bulk Import

Editing Your Original Source:

  1. Open your original CSV spreadsheet.
  2. Focus on the "tags" column.
  3. Delete the tags from the locations.
  4. Save your edited file and re-upload to Storepoint.

Quick Tip: To swiftly remove all instances of a tag in the column, select the "tags" column in Excel, then use "Find and Select" from the "Home" tab. Input the tag to remove in "Find what" and leave "Replace with" empty.