Help Center > Search & Filter Features

Search & Filter Features

Configure your store locator search and filter functionality.

Adjusting the URL of Your Embedded Locator to Pre-filter, Highlight Areas, or Directly Link to Specific Stores
Learn how to modify your Store Locator link to directly apply filters, search specific areas, or showcase individual locations for tailored sharing.
How to change the order of tags (options) in your locator filter
How to Remove Tags / Categories from Your Locator
Learn how to efficiently remove tags / categories from your locator.
How to create filters by location type, products, categories and more...
Restricting Store Locator Search Suggestions to Specific Countries
Learn how to restrict your store locator search suggestions to specific countries, avoiding search suggestions from countries you don't serve.
How to create a store locator with multiple filters
Learn how to set up multiple filters and types of categories for your store locator. Made very easy with Storepoint's store locator software.
How to create a store locator map for your website
Learn how to setup and embed a store locator map on your website in minutes. No coding required and it's very easy to manage.
How to add category or product filters to your store locator
Learn how to set up a store locator with filters and filtering options.
How to Set Up Priority Sorting of Locations
Enhance your locator widget using priority sorting. Highlight specific locations and make them stand out in your locator widget or online directory with ease.