Help Center > Managing Locations

Managing Locations

Discover location management methods and options.

Add images to your locations
How to add a new tag/category option in your store locator
Learn how to add a new tag to your store locoator
Bulk Import Tutorial: Quickly Add Locations to Your Locator
Learn how to bulk upload locations from a spreadsheet, excel file or CSV for the store locator on your website.
How to create a locator map from a Google sheet
Learn how to create and sync a locator map from a google sheet with location info.
How to Add Custom Fields, More Info, and Additional Buttons to Your Locator Widget
This guide walks you through adding custom fields to your location listings, integrating extra details, and creating multiple linkable buttons.
How to Set Up Priority Sorting of Locations
Enhance your locator widget using priority sorting. Highlight specific locations and make them stand out in your locator widget or online directory with ease.