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Bulk Import Tutorial: Quickly Add Locations to Your Locator

Learn how to bulk upload locations from a spreadsheet, excel file or CSV for the store locator on your website.

Easily add multiple locations to your Storepoint store locator with our bulk import and upload feature. This step-by-step guide will help you quickly populate your store locator map.

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Step 1: Prepare Your Spreadsheet

1.1 Download the Template

Start by downloading our template:

Download Storepoint Locations Template (CSV)

1.2 Understand the Template

Our template includes the following columns:

  • Required: name, address
  • Optional: All other columns (e.g., city, state, phone, website, etc.)

📌 Note: The template doesn't include lat and lng columns by default to keep it simple. If you need to import coordinates, you can add these columns yourself.

1.3 Fill in Your Data

  1. Open the template in your preferred spreadsheet software.
  2. Fill in your location data, matching the column names exactly.
  3. Save your file in CSV format when done.

1.4 Address Formats

You have flexibility in how you enter addresses:

  • Full address: Use the address column for the entire address.
  • Separate components: Use individual columns for address, city, state, postcode, and country.
  • Coordinates: If you prefer using coordinates, add lat and lng columns to your spreadsheet.

💡 Tip: If you're unsure about coordinates, stick with addresses. Storepoint will automatically geocode them for you!

1.5 Optional Information

Enhance your locations with additional details:

  • Contact: phone, website, email
  • Hours: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
  • Categories: tags (comma-separated)
  • Social Media: facebook, instagram, twitter
  • Custom Fields: Storepoint supports various custom fields, including:
    • Custom buttons (e.g., "Book Now", "Order Online")
    • Additional contact links (e.g., Fax)
    • Text information fields (e.g., "Parking Info", "Rep")

🔍 Advanced Tip: For custom fields, ensure the column names match what you've set in your Storepoint dashboard.

Step 2: Upload Your Locations

  1. Log in to your Storepoint account.
  2. Navigate to "Manage Locations" in your dashboard.
  3. Click the "Bulk Upload" button.
  4. Select your prepared CSV file.
  5. Click "Upload" and wait for the process to complete.

Note: Processing time may vary depending on the number of locations. Large uploads might take a few minutes.

What Happens Next?

  • Your new locations will be added to your store locator map.
  • Any errors during import will be displayed for you to review and correct.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to update my code snippet each time I import new locations?

A: No, you don't! Once you've embedded the Storepoint widget on your website, it automatically updates whenever you import new locations or make changes in your dashboard.

Q: Is there a limit to how many locations I can upload?

A: The limit depends on your plan. Check your account details or contact support for specifics.

Q: What if I need to update my locations frequently?

A: For frequent updates, consider our Google Sheets sync feature (available on Pro plans and above). It automatically updates your locator when your sheet changes. Learn more in our Google Sheets locations sync tutorial.

Q: My data format is different from the template. Can I still use bulk import?

A: Yes! We offer custom mapping solutions for unique data formats. Contact our support team, and we'll help you set up a custom import process.

Need Help?

We're here to assist! Contact our support team at [email protected] for personalized assistance with bulk imports, uploads, or any other questions.

Thank you for choosing Storepoint for your store locator!